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de Mari

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Reed, G. ., First, M. ., Kogan, C. ., Hyman, S. ., Gureje, O. ., Gaebel, W. ., … Saxena, S. . (2019). Innovations and changes in the ICD-11 classification of mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders. World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 18(1), 3-19.
Goldberg, D. ., Reed, G. ., Robles, R. ., Bobes, J. ., Iglesias, C. ., Fortes, S. ., … Saxena, S. . (2016). Multiple somatic symptoms in primary care: A field study for ICD-11 PHC, WHO’s revised classification of mental disorders in primary care settings. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 91, 48-54.
Reed, G. ., Rebello, T. ., Pike, K. ., Medina-Mora, M. ., Gureje, O. ., Zhao, M. ., … Saxena, S. . (2015). WHO’s Global Clinical Practice Network for mental health. The Lancet. Psychiatry, 2(5), 379-380.
Reed, G. ., Roberts, M. ., Keeley, J. ., Hooppell, C. ., Matsumoto, C. ., Sharan, P. ., … Medina-Mora, M. . (2013). Mental health professionals’ natural taxonomies of mental disorders: implications for the clinical utility of the ICD-11 and the DSM-5. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 69(12), 1191-212.
Razzouk, D. ., Sharan, P. ., Gallo, C. ., Gureje, O. ., Lamberte, E. ., Mari, de J., … Project, G. W.-G. F. for H. R. M. H. R. M. (2010). Scarcity and inequity of mental health research resources in low-and-middle income countries: a global survey. Health Policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 94(3), 211-20.