Ecological Research Facility
The Ecological Research Facility, maintained by the Department of Biological Sciences, is located on a large old-field tract in Lexington, Kentucky. Surrounded by agricultural land and horse farms, it offers a convenient resource for field studies within easy commuting distance of campus. Access is controlled, providing a secure site for long-term studies.
Biology Imaging Facility
The Biology Department maintains common use microscopes for researchers in the department. A Leica TCS SP Laser Scanning confocal microscope allows the examination of fluorescent specimens with clarity and resolution that far exceeds that of conventional epifluorescence microscopy. Both upright and inverted microscope platforms are available for use with the confocal imaging system. In addition, a Nikon E800 upright epifluorescence compound microscope and a Nikon SMZ1500 epifluorescence stereomicroscope are available, along with a cooled CCD digital camera.
Genomic & Molecular Resources
Several collections of clones and strains for genome-wide analyses are available for use.
Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center
The Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center (AGSC) maintains a breeding colony of Mexican axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) and distributes axolotl embryos, larvae, and adults to laboratories and classrooms throughout the United States and abroad. The AGSC is located in the Department of Biology at the University of Kentucky and receives financial support from the Division of Biological Infrastructure (DBI) at the National Science Foundation