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Academic Programs / Biology Undergraduate Program

Biology Undergraduate Program

With nearly 1200 biology majors, the Department of Biology is home to the largest undergraduate major on campus. 

Biology’s updated curriculum provides 21st century instruction that focuses lower division students’ training in bioinformatics, evolutionary thought and systems approaches to biology. Upper division courses incorporate a broad foundation of core courses with opportunities for specialization within many biological subfields. At UK, a premium is placed on giving advanced students research experience. An updated biology curriculum prepares students for a wide array of careers including scientific research, medicine, allied health, conservation biology, pharmaceutical development and much more. The department boasts a unique urban field station called the Ecological Research and Education Center that lends itself to experimental studies related to bird mating systems, bird song, circadian clocks, predator and prey relations, dispersal ecology, and plant ecology. A state-of the art Imaging Center allows faculty and students to conduct high impact cellular biology research, and some classes are held in the Imaging Center to train students to use cutting edge technology to advance the field. 

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Director of Undergraduate Studies

Dr. Kay Shenoy 
Phone: +1 (859) 257-3244

Advising meetings with Dr. Shenoy will be over Zoom. Click HERE to pick a meeting slot. 

Important Undergraduate News and Information

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To be added, send a request to with the following information: 

  1. your full name
  2. student id without the 9
  3. linkblue username

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