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MR Proffitt

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Smith, A. ., Proffitt, M. ., Ho, W. ., Mullaney, C. ., Maldonado-Ocampo, J. ., Lovejoy, N. ., … Smith, G. . (2016). Evolution of electric communication signals in the South American ghost knifefishes (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae): A phylogenetic comparative study using a sequence-based phylogeny. Journal of Physiology, Paris, 110(3 Pt B), 302-313.
Smith, G. ., Proffitt, M. ., Smith, A. ., & Rusch, D. . (2018). Genes linked to species diversity in a sexually dimorphic communication signal in electric fish. Journal of Comparative Physiology. A, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 204(1), 93-112.
Freiler, M. ., Proffitt, M. ., & Smith, G. . (2022). Electrocommunication signals and aggressive behavior vary among male morphs in an apteronotid fish, Compsaraia samueli. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(12). (Original work published 2022)