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EA Haak

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Keller, P. ., Gilbert, L. ., Haak, E. ., Bi, S. ., & Smith, O. . (2017). Earlier school start times are associated with higher rates of behavioral problems in elementary schools. Sleep Health, 3(2), 113-118.
Keller, P. ., Haak, E. ., Dewall, C. ., & Renzetti, C. . (2017). Poor Sleep Is Associated With Greater Marital Aggression: The Role of Self Control. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 1-8. (Original work published 2017)
Keller, P. ., Gilbert, L. ., Haak, E. ., Bi, S. ., & Smith, O. . (2017). Response to Troxel commentary: further evidence that school start times are associated with behavioral problems in elementary schools. Sleep Health, 3(4), 228-230.
Boggero, I. ., Hostinar, C. ., Haak, E. ., Murphy, M. ., & Segerstrom, S. . (2017). Psychosocial functioning and the cortisol awakening response: Meta-analysis, P-curve analysis, and evaluation of the evidential value in existing studies. Biological Psychology, 129, 207-230.
Bi, S. ., Haak, E. ., Gilbert, L. ., El-Sheikh, M. ., & Keller, P. . (2018). Father attachment, father emotion expression, and children’s attachment to fathers: The role of marital conflict. Journal of Family Psychology : JFP : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), 32(4), 456-465.