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Academic Programs / Biology Undergraduate Program / Ribble Undergraduate Research Award

Ribble Undergraduate Research Award

THIS IS AN AWARD AND NOT TUITION SCHOLARSHIP. THE MONEY GOES TO THE STUDENT. The only caveat is that UK will use it to cover any outstanding payments owed by the student to the university, and then send the remainder to the student. We do not have control over this process.

The Biology Department encourages research activity by awarding the Ribble Research Scholarships to Biology majors engaged in research. The scholarship, made possible by an endowment from the late Mrs. Gertrude Flora Ribble, will support up to 4 students each semester for two consecutive semesters with awards of $1,000 per semester each (for a total of $2,000 each). 

Ribble Scholars must engage in research for TWO consecutive semestersthe current semester and the following semester—for a total of 6 credit hours in BIO 395, BIO 397, or BIO 398 (if the BIO 398 involves lab or field research) with a faculty mentor from the Department of Biology. $1000 will be disbursed to each Scholar during each of the two academic semesters, the second payment being contingent upon satisfactory progress. Scholars are expected to publicly present their work. Public presentation may be in poster or oral form, and the forum may include the UK Undergraduate Research Showcase, a departmental showcase, a scientific conference, or other similar forum. 

Criteria for this award are:

  • Kentucky residency (this is required by the Ribble endowment and is not flexible)
  • Biology major, junior or senior status when research project begins
  • Faculty mentor in the Biology department
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Current enrollment in independent research course (BIO 395/397/398) for 3 credits
  • Potential to continue research in the same lab for another 3 credits in the following semester



Application Deadline: Fall Semester: October 21st; Spring Semester: first Friday of March

  • Download the application here.
  • Save the completed application and proposal as a PDF, and name the file in the following format: Last name_First name_Ribble_semester_year.pdf. (If you have separate files for application and proposal, add _Application or _Proposal to the end of the file name as appropriate).
  • Completed applications and proposals should be emailed to with the subject line "Ribble Application for [semester, year]"; e.g. in Fall '23, the subject line should read "Ribble Application for Fall '23". 


Progress Report in the Second Semester

Students in their second semester of research must submit a progress report. 

  • Download progress report form here
  • Progress reports should be saved as PDF files, and named with the following format: Last name_First name_Ribble progress Report_semester_year.pdf
  • Completed progress reports should be emailed to with the subject line "Ribble Progress Report for [semester, year]"; e.g. in Fall '23, the subject line should read "Ribble Progress Report for Fall '23".

Deadline to submit the progress report: Fall semester: October 15 (in future, it will be the first Friday of October); Spring semester: first Friday of March

List of recent recipients