Jacqueline Burke Academic Administration Senior - Lead (jjburk3@uky.edu, Room 101 C, 859-257-7140)
Departmental Management:
- Leads Department Operations.
- Produces Weekly Department Newsletter.
- Manages Biology Department Teacher Course Evaluations each semester.
- TA Coordinator assisting Associate Chair with Graduate Student teaching assistants.
- Maintains TA Credentials Database.
- Manages TA Observations/Evaluations Forms each semester.
- Coordinates TA Orientation and Language Screenings.
- Maintains official departmental electronic files and records.
- Biology Website Updates
- Assists with Concur travel reports and triage ticket management when needed.
Payroll Management:
- Manages Department Payroll, including Faculty (overloads and summer salary), Graduate Student Payroll, Postdoctoral Scholar contract renewals, Student SNWS/Work Study, and Staff/Temporary positions.
Human Resources Duties:
- Hiring Authorization Forms submission for various positions, such as Faculty, Post-Doctoral, Staff, Student SNWS, Work Study, Staff/Temporary, STEPS, Visiting Scholar, and Visiting Student positions.
- Handles Onboarding and Offboarding processes for Faculty, Post-Docs, Staff, and Graduate Students
- Coordinates Faculty and Post-Doc Reappointments
- Acts as a Liaison to the College HR Group
Graduate Program Manager:
- Manages Graduate School Appointment Forms submission process.
- Tracks and manages disbursement of Graduate Student Fellowships/Block Funding.
- Monitors Financing on Graduate Research Fellowships, Student Travel Awards and Graduate Mini Pilot Ribble Grant Awards.
- Manages LCT Forms submission each semester.
- Manages Summer Federal Work Study for Graduate Students
- Coordinates Graduate Orientation, TA Orientations, and Language Screening.
- Acts as Graduate Recruitment Coordinator, assisting the Director of Graduate Studies.
- Serves as Graduate School POC for exam cards, qualifiers, and dissertations.
- Performs Degree Audits for master’s students.
- Maintains record of committee meetings forms and all other graduate student files.
- Communicates Key Dates and Important Deadline Announcements.
Financial Responsibilities:
- Approves Department Account transactions.
- Assists the Biology Department Chair with Budget Management.
- Acts as the Point of Contact for Business Unit.
- Assists with Concur Travel Reports and Triage Tickets submission, as needed.
- Manages Student (undergraduate and graduate students) Payments & Scholarships.
Kristina Morgan Department Manager Senior (biology@uky.edu, Room 101 D, 859-257-3804)
Faculty Affairs:
- Promotion & Tenure Dossiers: Assists with preparation and submission of faculty promotion and tenure materials.
- FMER Process: Coordinates Faculty Mid-Year Evaluation Reports with the Department Chair.
- Faculty Recruitment: Coordinates recruitment processes with the Faculty Search Committee.
- Faculty Reviews: Coordinates 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-year reviews for tenure-track faculty.
- Elections of Standing Committees: Coordinates faculty elections for departmental standing committees.
Biology Events Management:
- Seminars Management: Coordinates department seminars, including scheduling and logistics.
- Event Coordination: Manages department events such as workshops and symposia.
- Visitor Travel Arrangements: Manages travel and lodging for guest speakers and visitors.
- Social Media Management: Oversees the department's social media presence and content.
- Biannual Newsletters: Produces and distributes the department’s biannual newsletters.
- Alumni & Donor Relations: Supports alumni engagement and fundraising efforts for the department.
Departmental Support:
- Support to Department Chair: Assists with administrative tasks and meeting coordination.
- Travel Reports & Triage Tickets: Helps with Concur travel reports and triage ticket management.
- Website Updates: Keeps the department website current with seminar and event information.
- Meeting Minutes: Records and distributes minutes from faculty meetings.
- Electronic Signage: Updates content on the department’s electronic signage.
- Supply Ordering: Manages the ordering and inventory of departmental supplies.
Allegra Solomon Department Manager Associate (biology@uky.edu, Room 101 B THM, 859-562-2921)
DUS Support:
- Group Advising: Create polls, allot time slots to faculties, arrange rooms, sent canvas & ListServ announcements, generate QR code for student sign-up, display signage
- Undergraduate Resource email – help DUS monitor
- Undergraduate List-Serv Announcements
- Assists DUS with K-week.
- Biology Department handout folders for prospective students: Make 6-10 copies each week for DUS
- DUS/BUSA workshops: Create tickets, get Procard, purchase items, upload tickets
- Add/ delete/ update users & contents in the Biology Majors listserv and Biology Majors Canvas shell
- Biology Independent Research Course Tracking: BIO 394, BIO 395, BIO 397, BIO 398
- Undergraduate Course Overrides
Course Scheduling Support:
Assists DUS and Associate Chair with the following:
- Academic Course classroom & exam room scheduling
- Pink sheeting courses
- Class cancellations & reaching out to students in canceled courses/ sections to disenroll
- Co-ordinating with A&S Scheduling for course catalog updates
Ribble, Scholars, and Graduation:
- Assists DUS with Undergraduate Ribble Scholarship
- Biology Departmental Scholars Program: Tally GPA, courses, and credits through myUK
- Assist with Undergraduate Graduation Reception – RSVP Web Form, create honor certificates, provide names of Ribble Award Winners being recognized, and send out graduating ceremony invite via undergraduate listserv. (Work with DUS and Senior DM)
- Proctor Schedule Coordinator with Associate Chair Assistance
- Co-ordinate for missed proctor assignments
- UG Focus Group Alzheimer’s patients meet room co-ordinations
Neuroscience Program Support:
- Support for Neuroscience Program and Director
- Neuroscience Graduation Reception - (work with Director, DUS and Senior DM)
Departmental Support:
- Room Scheduling (lab meetings, meetings, qualifiers, dissertation, speaker meet, etc.)
- Syllabi Collection (first week of each semester)
- Biology Learning Center schedule updates on the department website
- BLC hours tracking & weekly emails
- Updating Biology controlled room Google calendar & link it to our website
- Electronic Signage Content/Updates
- FERPA/ SLCM accesses for new faculty & students
- Apple TV reservations
- Textbook Contact for Biology - (department contact if needed)