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university of kentucky

Randal Voss: Salamander Research at UK

At any given time, hundreds of salamanders are being bred at the University of Kentucky. "We have the only captive-bred salamander population in the world where people can call us up, and we can do the breedings, make those resources and ship them out nationally and internationally," says Randal Voss, a professor of biology and faculty associate of the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center (SCoBIRC).

BIO 152: Principles of Biology II - Introduction

The second semester of an integrated one-year sequence (BIO 150 and 152) that is designed to develop understanding and appreciation for the diverse forms of plant and animal life, and their relationships to each other and to their environment. Structure and function relationships will be explored at many levels of organization: cell, tissue, organ, organism, population and community. Prereq: CHE 105, or Math ACT of 26 or above plus concurrent enrollment in CHE 105, or chemistry placement test passed plus concurrent enrollment in CHE 105.
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