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General Biology

This is the default option for students who do not declare another track.

  • Choose 13-15 credit hours from the upper-level electives listed below
  • A maximum of six credit hours of BIO 394/395/397 will count towards a biology degree
  • At least 9 credit hours of upper-level electives must have a BIO prefix

For full course descriptions, please continue to the course bulletin: B.A. / B.S.

Click here for track course prerequisites and which semesters they are offered

BIO 3xx, BIO 4xx, BIO 5xx, BIO 6xx

ABT 460: Introduction to Molecular Genetics (Cross listed as AGR/ASC/ENT 460) (3)

ANA 410G: Neurobiology of Brain Disorders (3)

ANA 442: Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (3)

ANA 511: Introduction to Human Anatomy (5)

ANA 512: Microscopy and Ultrastructure (4)

ANA 516: Anatomy of the Nervous System (3)

Some other anatomy courses at the 500-level are acceptable, but they are usually restricted to professional students.

ANT 332: Human Evolution (3)

ASC 364: Reproductive Physiology of Animals (4)

ASC 378: Animal Nutrition (4)

BCH 401G: Fundamentals of Biochemistry (3)

CHE 226: Analytical Chemistry (3-5)

CHE 232: Organic Chemistry II (3) (for BA only)

CHE 233: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)

CHE 440G: Introductory Physical Chemistry (4)

CHE 441G: Physical Chemistry Lab (2)

CHE 446G: Physical Chemistry for Engineers (3)

CHE 532: Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (2)

CHE 533: Qualitative Organic Analysis Lab (2)

CHE 550: Biological Chemistry I (3)

CHE 552: Biological Chemistry II (3)

CHE 558: Hormone Receptors and Cell Signals (3)

CHE 565: Environmental Chemistry (3)

EES 401G: Invertebrate Paleontology and Evolution (3)

ENT 310: Insect Pets of Field Crops (3)

ENT 320: Horticultural Entomology (3)

ENT 460: Introduction to Molecular Genetics (cross listed as ABT 460) (3)

ENT 502: Forest Entomology (cross listed as FOR 502) (3)

ENT 561: Insects Affecting Human and Animal Health (3)

ENT 564: Insect Taxonomy (4)

ENT 568: Insect Behavior (3)

FOR 340: Forest Ecology (4)

FOR 370: Wildlife Biology and Management (4)

FOR 435: Conservation Biology (3)

FOR 502: Forest Entomology (cross listed as ENT 502) (3)

FOR 530: Freshwater Ecology (3)

FOR 510: Herpetology (4)

FSC 530: Food Microbiology (5)

MI 494G: Immunobiology (same as BIO 494G) (3)

MI 595: Immunobiology Laboratory (2)

MI 598: Clinical Microbiology (same as PAT 598) (3)

NRE 420G: Taxonomy of Vascular Plants (4)

NRE 450G: Biogeochemistry (3)

PGY 412G: Principles of Human Physiology (4) is acceptable as an elective for upper level biology credit ONLY IF a student DOES NOT complete BIO 350. It DOES NOT substitute for BIO 350 or BIO430G) (Only for students who started program before Fall 2017)

PGY 431: Introduction to Neuroendocrinology (3)

PGY 417: Genomics and Epigenetics (2)

PGY 512: Evolutionary Medicine (3)

PGY 560: Pathophysiology: Integrative Study in Physiology and Medicine (1)

PGY 590: Cellular and Molecular Physiology (4)

PLS 320: Woody Horticultural Plants (4)

PLS 330: Herbaceous Horticultural Plants I (2)

PLS 332: Herbaceous Horticultural Plants II (2)

PLS 366: Fundamentals of Soil Science (4)

PLS 450G: Biogeochemistry (3)

PLS 502: Ecology of Economic Plants (3)

PLS 566: Soil Microbiology (3)

PLS 567: Methods in Soil Microbiology (Lab) (1)

PPA 400G: Principles of Plant Pathology (3)

PSY 459: Neuropharmacology: Drugs and Behavior (3)

TOX 509: Environmental and Regulatory Toxicology (3)

Biology usually accepts only one of the following for each student

STA 570: Basic Statistical Analysis (4)

STA 580: Biostatistics I (2)

Other STA courses may be accepted at the discretion of your advisor.

Unacceptable courses often mistakenly thought to be acceptable:

ANA 209: Principles of Human Anatomy (3) and PGY 206: Elementary Physiology (3) are not acceptable electives for Biology majors.

Other courses may be accepted at the discretion of the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Biology

*For questions regarding the General Biology Track, please email