I teach non-majors biology lecture (BIO 103) and a freshmen researh skills lab (BIO 155) for biology majors.
My training is in plant community and ecosystem ecologist. My research interests and experience span the ecology of disturbances, invasions and global change agents in grasslands. I aspire to apply ecological knowledge and theory to solve ecosystem degradation issues that warrant immediate restoration action.
I have developed and implemented computer-based lessons that teach writing and reasoning skills to undergraduate in intro-level biology courses.I have also taught an undergraduate seminar BI0 425 titled Global Change. The readings for this seminar explores the most current and credible research on different global change issues ranging from global warming, sea level rise, biotic exchange, land use change and ecosystem carbon stocks to the debate surrounding expansion of biofuels.
MS (Ecology), Salim Ali School of Ecology, Pondicherry University, India
BSc (Environmental Science), St. Josephs College, Bangalore, India
- Plant Community and Ecosystem Ecology
- Ecology of Plant Invasions
- Grassland disturbances
- Global Change Ecology
- Biology
- Biology Education
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Plant Sciences