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See UK NOW News about the NEW Kentucky Chapter of the American Physiological Society (APS). https://uknow.uky.edu/professional-news/uk-faculty-establish-american-physiological-society-kentucky-chapter
Synaptic Transmission and Neuromodulation
My primary research interest is to understand the detailed mechanisms of synaptic differentiation among neurons and those mechanisms employed between neurons and muscle cells. The nerve cell is chemically integrated with other cells at morphologically-identified locations called synapses. The characteristics of the synapse are affected by its activity level which modulates long-term alterations in both synaptic structure and performance. Neuromodulators that are endogenously released either enhance or suppress synaptic efficacy, in turn affecting the behavioral state of an animal. Neuromodulators affect cellular process by various intracellular messenger cascades that are dependent on the type of neuromodulator and its associated receptor. Such changes are believed to play a role in learning and memory, as well as in the behavioral state of an animal.
1. 2018-2025. The grant is a collaboration with Colleges of Education.
Scope: Producing STEM Teachers for Urban and Rural Schools in Kentucky - participant support.
National Science Foundation; Number: 1000100147: UK 3210000862_PADR9
Start Date:4/1/2018---End Date: 3/31/2025
PI - Margaret Mohr-Schroeder (STEM Education)
Co-PIs: Bruce Walcott (Electrical and Computer Eng.), Jerzy Jaromczyk (Computer Science), Robin Cooper (Biology), Stephen Testa (Chemistry), Shannon Sampson (Educational Policy Studies), David Royster (Mathematics), Molly Fisher
(STEM Education), Jennifer Wilhelm (STEM Education), Lin Xiang (STEM Education), Lisa Amick (STEM Education). Award amount $751,000
2. 2018-2025. The grant is a collaboration with Colleges of Education. Scope: Producing STEM Teachers for Urban and Rural Schools in Kentucky- Cost Reimbursement Grant.
National Science Foundation Number: 1000100147: UK 3200001782_PADR12
Start Date:4/1/2018---End Date: 3/31/2025
PI - Margaret Mohr-Schroeder (STEM Education)
Co-PIs: Bruce Walcott (Electrical and Computer Eng.), Jerzy Jaromczyk (Computer Science), Robin Cooper (Biology), Stephen Testa (Chemistry), Shannon Sampson (Educational Policy Studies), David Royster (Mathematics), Molly Fisher
(STEM Education), Jennifer Wilhelm (STEM Education), Lin Xiang (STEM Education), Lisa Amick (STEM Education). Award amount $367,646
3. 2023-2024 My undergraduate Ms. Kaitlyn Brock and I were awarded the Beckman fellowship for undergraduate research. The scholar shall receive an award in the amount of $26,000; $21,000 specifically for the Scholar and $5,000 for the Scholar’s Mentor.
4. 2024-2025 My undergraduate Ms. Elizabeth Elliott and I were awarded the Beckman fellowship for undergraduate research. The scholar shall receive an award in the amount of $26,000; $21,000 specifically for the Scholar and $5,000 for the Scholar’s Mentor.
5. 2018 - 2023 The grant is a collaboration with Colleges of Education, Arts & Sciences, and Engineering and Fayette County Public Schools. Below are the personnel are involved: PI - Margaret Mohr-Schroeder (STEM Education)
Co-PIs - Bruce Walcott (Electrical and Computer Engineering); Stephen Testa (Chemistry); Jennifer Wilhelm (STEM Education)
K-12 Teacher Liaison - Craig Schroeder (Fayette County Public Schools STEM Teacher)
Robin Cooper (Biology); Lisa Amick (STEM Education); Jerzy Jaromczyk (Computer Science); David Royster (Mathematics); Molly Fisher (STEM Education); Jared Stallones (Curriculum & Instruction); David Helm (Fayette County Public Schools - Science Instructional Specialist); Natalee Feese (Fayette County Public Schools - Mathematics Instructional Specialist). The award is called - UK Noyce STEM PLUS Producing Leaders for Urban/rUral Schools Award amounts is $1,200,000 from 2018 - 2023
2007-2017. CHIEF EDITOR for International Journal of Zoological Research
2013- present. A member of JoVE's Editorial Board in the Neurosciences. (http://www.jove.com/editorial-boards). Please see the web page for more about this wonderful journal. http://www.jove.com/about Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) is a peer reviewed, PubMed indexed journal devoted to the publication of biological, medical, chemical and physical research in a video format.
Recent publications:
( Or all on PubMed "MyBio" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/myncbi/18IL7zl8S2nQl/bibliography/47955163/public/?sort=date&direction=ascending )
106. Wu, W.-H. and Cooper, R.L. (2012) The regulation and packaging of synaptic vesicles as related to recruitment within glutamatergic synapses. Neuroscience 225:185–198.
107. Wu, W.-H. and Cooper, R.L. (2012) Role of serotonin in the regulation of synaptic transmission in invertebrate NMJs. Experimental Neurobiology 21(3):101-112.
108. Holsinger, R.C., and Cooper, R.L. (2012). Effect of Environment and Modulators on Hindgut and Heart Function in Invertebrates: Crustaceans and Drosophila. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Volume 33 (K. McMahon, Editor). Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 366 pages. http://www.ableweb.org/biologylabs/wp-content/uploads/volumes/vol-33/7_Holsinger.pdf
109. Chung,Y-S. Cooper, R.M., Graff, J. and Cooper, R.L. (2012) The acute and chronic effect of low temperature on survival, heart rate and neural function in crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) species. Open Journal of Molecular and Integrative Physiology 2:75-86.
110. Bierbower, S.M., Shuranova, Z. P., Viele, K. and Cooper, R.L. (2013) Comparative study of environmental factors influencing motor task learning and memory retention in sighted and blind crayfish. Brain and Behavior 3 (1) 4-13.
111. Becnel, J., Johnson, O., Majeed, Z.R., Tran, V., Yu, B., Roth, B.L., Cooper, R.L., Kerut, E.K., Nichols, C.D. (2013) DREADDs in Drosophila: A Pharmacogenetic Approach for Controlling Behavior, Neuronal Signaling, and Physiology in the Fly. Cell Reports 4(5):1049-59. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2013.08.003.
112. Wu, W.-H. and Cooper, R.L. (2013) Physiological separation of vesicle pools in low- and high-output nerve terminals. Neuroscience Research 75: 275–282. (5 yr impact factor 2.376). pubmed click link
113. Bierbower, S.M. and Cooper, R.L. (2013) The mechanistic action of carbon dioxide on a neural circuit and NMJ communication. Journal of Experimental Zoology 319A:340–354. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jez.1798/full
114. Bierbower, S.M., Nadolski, J. and Cooper, R.L. (2013) Sensory systems and environmental change on behavior during social interactions. International Journal of Zoology. Vol: 2013, Article ID 573802, 16 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/573802
115. Titlow, J., Majeed, Z.R., Hartman, H.B., Burns, E., and Cooper, R.L. (2013) Neural Circuit Recording from an Intact Cockroach Nervous System. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). (81), e50584, doi:10.3791/50584 (2013). Professional movie and peer reviewed manuscript. http://www.jove.com/video/50584/neural-circuit-recording-from-an-intact-cockroach-nervous-system
116. Titlow, J., Majeed, Z.R., Nicholls, J.G. and Cooper, R.L. (2013) Identifiable neurons in the central nervous system of a leech via electrophysiology and morphology, sensory field maps in skin and synapse formation in culture: Student laboratory exercises. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). (81), e50631, doi:10.3791/50631 Professional movie and peer reviewed manuscript. http://www.jove.com/video/50631/intracellular-recording-sensory-field-mapping-culturing-identified
117. Majeed, Z.R., Titlow, J., Hartman, H.B. and Cooper, R.L. (2013) Proprioception and tension receptors in crab limbs: Student laboratory exercises. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). (80), e51050, doi:10.3791/51050 Professional movie and peer reviewed manuscript. http://www.jove.com/video/51050/proprioception-tension-receptors-crab-limbs-student-laboratory
118. Titlow, J.S., Rufer, J., King, K., and Cooper, R.L. (2013) Pharmacological analysis of dopamine modulation in the Drosophila melanogaster larval heart. Physiological Reports. 1 (2), 2013, e00020, doi:10.1002/phy2.20 http://web.as.uky.edu/Biology/faculty/cooper/labWWW-PDFs/Josh-Physiological%20report2013.pdf
119. Cooper, A.-S., Johnstone, A.F.M. and Cooper, R.L. (2013) Motor nerve terminal morphology with unloading and reloading of muscle. Journal of Crustacean Biology.33(6): 818-827.
120. Majeed, Z.R., Nichols, C.D., and Cooper, R.L. (2013) 5-HT stimulation of heart rate in Drosophila does not act through cAMP as revealed by pharmacogenetics. Journal of Applied Physiology 15: 1656-1665, 5 yr impact factor 4.156.
121. deCastro, C., Titlow, J., Majeed, Z.R., and Cooper, R.L. (2014) Examining the usefulness of various salines by physiological assays designed for larval Drosophila melanogaster: heart rate, synaptic transmission at neuromuscular junction and central circuits in the CNS. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 200:83-92. Impact factor 1.856
122. Majeed, Z.R., Stacy, A., and Cooper, R.L. (2014) Pharmacological identification of serotonin receptor subtypes on Drosophila larval heart. Journal of Comparative Physiology B.184(2):205-219. Impact factor 2.024.
123. Titlow, J.S., Rice, J., Majeed, Z.R., Holsopple, E., Biecker, S., and Cooper, R.L. (2014) Anatomical and genotype-specific mechanosensory responses in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. Neuroscience Research 83:54-63. Impact factor 2.249
124. Titlow, J.S., Anderson H. and Cooper, R.L. (2014). Lights and Larvae: Using optogenetics to teach recombinant DNA and neurobiology. The Science Teacher 81 (#6): 2-9. Made issue Cover (photo)
125. Szczesniak, R., Viele, K. and Cooper, R.L. (2014). Mixtures of Self-Modeling Regressions. Journal of Biometrics and Biostatistics 5 (4):1-8. doi: 10.4172/2155-6180.1000208. Impact factor 1.12
126. Majeed, Z.R., Ritter, K., Robinson, J., Blümich, S.L.E., Brailoiu, E., and Cooper, R.L. (2015). New insights into the acute actions from a high dosage of fluoxetine on neuronal and cardiac function: Drosophila, crayfish and rodent models. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology- Part C 176–177:52–61 . 5 year impact factor 2.819
127. Jackson, J.R., Kirby, T.J., Fry, C.S., Cooper, R.L., McCarthy, J.J., Peterson, C.A., and Dupont-Versteegden, E.E. (2015). Reduced voluntary running performance is associated with impaired coordination as a result of muscle satellite cell depletion in adult mice. Skeletal Muscle 5:41, DOI 10.1186/s13395-015-0065-3. Impact factor 5.14
128. Malloy, C., Ritter, K., Robinson, J., and Cooper, R.L. (2016). Pharmacological identification of cholinergic receptor subtypes on Drosophila melanogaster larval heart. Journal of Comparative Physiology - B 186 (1):45-57). Impact factor 2.024.
129. Zhu,Y.-C., Yocum, E., Sifers, J., Uradu, H. and Cooper, R.L. (2016). Modulatory effects on Drosophila larva hearts in room temperature, acute and chronic cold stress. Journal of Comparative Physiology - B. 186 (7):829-841. (Impact factor 2.619).
130. Zhu,Y.-C., Uradu, H. Majeed, Z.R., and Cooper, R.L. (2016). Optogenetic drive of Drosophila heart rate at different temperatures and Ca2+ concentrations. Physiological Reports. 4(3):e12695 New part of American Physiological Society Press- no impact factor yet determined). http://web.as.uky.edu/Biology/faculty/cooper/labWWW-PDFs/Zhu_et_al-2016-Physiological_Reports.pdf
131. Cooper, R.L., Zeidler, K., Johnson, D. and Wilson, J. (2017) The Healthy Flea Market. Connected Science Learning. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). On line January 16, 2017. Available at: http://web.as.uky.edu/Biology/faculty/cooper/The%20Healthy%20Flea%20project/Home-HealthyFlea.htm
132. Majeed, Z.R., Abdeljaber, E., Soveland, R., Cornwell, K., Bankemper, A., Koch, F. and Cooper, R.L. (2016). Modulatory action of serotonergic system in behavior and sensory-motor circuit physiology in Drosophila melanogaster. Neural Plasticity. Article ID 7291438, 23 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/7291438 Impact Factor for 3.582 Journal Citation Reports released by Thomson Reuters (ISI) in 2014.
133. Potter, S., Krall, R.M., Mayo, S. Johnson, D., Zeidler-Watters, K., and Cooper, R.L. (2016). Population dynamics based on resource availability and founding effects: Live and computational models. The American Biology Teacher. 78(5): 396–403, ISSN 0002-7685, electronic ISSN 1938-4211. [PDF-134]
135. Majeed, Z., Koch, F., Morgan, J., Anderson, H., Wilson, J., and Cooper, R.L. (2017) A novel educational module to teach neural circuits for college and high school students: NGSS-neurons, genetics, and selective stimulations. F1000Research. F1000Research: Immediate & Transparent Publishing for Life Scientists. F1000 Research Ltd, Middlesex House, 34-42 Cleveland St, London W1T 4LB, UK. https://f1000research.com/articles/6-117/v1
136. Dayaram,V., Malloy, C., Martha, S., Alvarez, B., Chukwudolue, I., Dabbain, N., D.mahmood, D., Goleva, S., Hickey, T., Ho, A., King, M., Kington, P., Mattingly, M., Potter, S., Simpson, L., Spence, A., Uradu, H., Van Doorn, J.L., and Cooper, R.L. (2017). Stretch activated channels in proprioceptive chordotonal organs of crab and crayfish are sensitive to Gd3+ but not amiloride, ruthenium red or low pH. IMPLUSE The Premier Undergraduate Neuroscience Journal. https://impulse.appstate.edu/issues/2017
137. Malloy, C., Dayaram,V., Martha, S., Alvarez, B., Chukwudolue, I., Dabbain, N., D.mahmood, D., Goleva, S., Hickey, T., Ho, A., King, M., Kington, P., Mattingly, M., Potter, S., Simpson, L., Spence, A., Uradu, H., Van Doorn, J.L., and Cooper, R.L. (2017). The effects of neighboring muscle injury on proprioception responses in crayfish and crab. J. of Exp. Zool. 327(6):366–379.
138. Dayaram,V., Malloy, C., Martha, S., Alvarez, B., Chukwudolue, I., Dabbain, N., D.mahmood, D., Goleva, S., Hickey, T., Ho, A., King, M., Kington, P., Mattingly, M., Potter, S., Simpson, L., Spence, A., Uradu, H., Van Doorn, J.L., and Cooper, R.L. (2017). The effect of CO2, intracellular pH and extracellular pH on mechanosensory proprioceptor responses in crayfish and crab. American Journal of Undergraduate Research. 14(3):85-99.
139. Malloy, C., Sifers, J., Mikos, A., Samadi, A., Omar, A., Hermanns, C. and Cooper, R.L. (2017) Using optogenetics to assess neuroendocrine modulation of heart rate in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 203(10), 791-806. DOI 10.1007/s00359-017-1191-7 [PDF]. Impact factor 2.619.
140. Higgins, J., Hermanns, C., Malloy, C. and Cooper, R.L. (2017). Considerations in repetitive activation of light sensitive ion channels for long term studies: Channel rhodopsin in the Drosophila model. J. of Neuroscience Research 125:1-10 [PDF]
141. Grau, E., Stanback, A.E., Bradley, A., Cantrell, D., Eversole, S., Grachen, C., Hall, K., Hawthorne, D., Kinmon, C., Ortiz Guerrero, P., Patel, B., Samuels, K., Suryadevara, C., Valdes, G., Wycoff, S., Cooper, R.L. (2018) Investigating the effects of homocysteine as a
agonist on invertebrate glutamatergic synapses. IMPLUSE pp. 1-12 https://impulse.appstate.edu/articles/2018/investigating-effects-homocysteine-agonist-invertebrate-glutamatergic-synapses
142. Wycoff, S., Weineck, K., Conlin, S., Grau, E., Bradley, A., Cantrell, D., Eversole, S., Grachen, C., Hall, K., Hawthorne, D., Kinmon, C., Ortiz Guerrero, P., Patel, B., Samuels, K., Suryadevara, C., Valdes, G., Ray, A., Fleckenstein, L., Piana, E., Cooper, R.L. (2018) Investigating potential effects of clove oil (eugenol) in model crustaceans. IMPLUSE pp. 1-21 https://impulse.appstate.edu/articles/2018/effects-clove-oil-eugenol-proprioceptive-neurons-heart-rate-and-behavior-model-crustac
143. Mattingly, M., Weineck, K., Costa, J., Cooper, R.L., (2018) Hyperpolarization by activation of halorhodopsin results in enhanced synaptic transmission: Neuromuscular junction and CNS circuit. PLOS one 13(7): e0200107. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0200107
144. Weineck, K., Ray, A.J., Fleckenstein, L., Medley, M., Dzubuk, N., Piana, E., Cooper, R.L. (2018). Physiological changes as a measure of crustacean welfare under different standardized slaughter techniques. ANIMALS 8(9):158. Impact Factor of 1.654 http://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/8/9/158
145. Zhu,Y.-C., de Castro, L. and Cooper, R.L. (2018) The effect of temperature changes and exposure to modulators on synaptic transmission at crayfish tonic and phasic neuromuscular junctions. Biology OPEN. 2018, 7(12): bio037820 doi: 10.1242/bio.037820 http://bio.biologists.org/content/7/12/bio037820
146. Zhu, Y.-C. and Cooper, R.L. (2018) Effect of cold exposure on the physiology of cardiac function and synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction in invertebrates: A review. International Journal of Zoological Research. 14(2):49-60. DOI: 10.3923/ijzr.2018. https://scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=ijzr.2018.49.60&org=10
147. Thenappan, A., Dupont-Versteegden, E.E. and Cooper, R.L. (2019). An educational model for understanding acute deep tissue injury of motor units: Common lab exercises with a new twist. Journal of Young Investigators (May 2019). This was an educational project by Ms. Thenappan to develop a novel laboratory exercise for the neurophysiology course (Bio446/650). https://www.jyi.org/2019-may/2019/5/1/an-educational-model-for-understanding-acute-deep-tissue-injury-of-motor-units-common-lab-exercises-with-a-new-twist
148. Weineck, K., Stanback, A.E., and Cooper, R.L. (2019) The effects of eugenol as an anesthetic for an insect: Drosophila, adult, larval heart rate and synaptic transmission. Article 54. In: McMahon K, editor. Tested studies for laboratory teaching. Volume 40. Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). http://www.ableweb.org/volumes/vol-40/?art=# [PDF]
149. Cooper, R.L. Thenappan, A. and Dupont-Versteegden, E.E. (2019). Examining motor and sensory units as an educational model for understanding the impact of localized tissue injury on healthy cells. Article 6. In: McMahon K, editor. Tested studies for laboratory teaching. Volume 40. Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). http://www.ableweb.org/volumes/vol-40/?art=# [PDF]
150. de Castro, C., Titlow, J.S., Majeed, Z.R., Malloy, C., King, K.E., and Cooper, R.L. (2019). Chemical and mechanical factors required for maintaining cardiac rhythm in Drosophila melanogaster larva. Journal of Entomology. 16 (2): 62-73 [PDF]. https://scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=je.2019.62.73&org=11
151. Cooper, R.L., McNabb, M. and Nadolski, J. (2019) The effects of a bacterial endotoxin LPS on synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction. Heliyon- Elsevier, https://www.heliyon.com/article/e01430
152. Anyagaligbo, O., Bernard, J., Greenhalgh, A. and Cooper, R.L. (2019) The effects of bacterial endotoxin ( LPS ) on cardiac function in a medicinal blow fly (Phaenicia sericata) and a fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology- Part C. 217: 15-24. 5 year impact factor 2.819 [PDF]
153. Stanback, M., Stanback , A.E., Akhtar, S., Basham, R., Chithrala, B., Collis, B., Heberle, B.A., Higgins, E., Lane, A., Marella, S., Ponder, M., Raichur, P., Silverstein, A., Stanley, C., Vela, K. and Cooper, R.L. (2019). The effect of lipopolysaccharides on primary sensory neurons in crustacean models. IMPLUSE https://impulse.appstate.edu/articles/2019/effect-lipopolysaccharides-primary-sensory-neurons-crustacean-models
154. Saelinger, C.M., McNabb, M.C., Trent, S., Danley, M. and Cooper, R.L. (2019). Effects of eugenol on nerve conduction and synaptic transmission at neuromuscular junction in an amphibian. IMPLUSE https://impulse.appstate.edu/articles/2019/investigating-effects-eugenol-nerve-conduction-and-synaptic-transmission-neuromuscular
155. McNabb, M.C., Saelinger, C.M., Danley, M. and Cooper, R.L. (2019). The effects of bacterial endotoxin (LPS) on synaptic transmission at neuromuscular junction in an amphibian. International Journal of Zoological Research 15 (2): 38-42, http://docsdrive.com/pdfs/academicjournals/ijzr/2019/38-42.pdf
156. Istas, O., Greenhalgh, A. and Cooper, R.L. (2019) The effects of a bacterial endotoxin on behavior and sensory-CNS-motor circuits in Drosophila melanogaster. INSECTS https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4450/10/4/115 Impact Factor: 1.848 (2017).
157. Malloy, C., Somasundaram, E., Omar, A., Bhutto, U., Medley, M., Dzubuk, N. and Cooper, R.L. (2019). Pharmacological identification of cholinergic receptor subtypes: Modulation of locomotion and neural circuit excitability in Drosophila larvae. Neuroscience IBRO 411: 47-64. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030645221930332X Impact factor: 3.244 (2018)
158. Potter, S., Sifers, J., Yocom, E., Blümich, S.L.E., Nadolski, J., Potter, R., Harrison, D.A. and Cooper, R.L. (2019) Acute and chronic effects of reducing TOR by rapamycin and genetically on development, behavior, and physiology in Drosophila. Biology Open. https://bio.biologists.org/content/early/2019/11/07/bio.046508
159. Stanley, C.E., Mauss, A., Borst, A. and Cooper, R.L. (2019) Effects of optogenetically driving a chloride channel and a chloride pump on cardiac function in a fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). Methods and Protocols 2(3), 73. https://www.mdpi.com/2409-9279/2/3/73
160. Saelinger, C.M., McNabb, M.C., McNair, R., Bierbower, S. and Cooper, R.L. (2019) Effects of bacterial endotoxin (LPS) on the cardiac function, neuromuscular transmission and sensory-CNS-motor nerve circuit: A crustacean model. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. 237:110557. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2019.110557 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1095643319303216 5 year impact factor 2.173
161. Adams, R., Stanley, C.E., Piana, E. and Cooper, R.L. (2019) Physiological and behavioral indicators to measure crustacean welfare. ANIMALS. 9(11), 914 https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/9/11/914 Impact Factor of 1.654
162. Stanley, C.E., Adams, R., Nadolski, J., Amrit, E., Barrett, M., Bohnett, C., Campbell, K., Deweese, K., Dhar, S., Gillis, B., Hill, C., Inks, M., Kozak, K., Larson, A., Murtaza, I., Nichols, D., Roberts, R., Tyger, H., Waterbury, C. and Cooper, R.L. (2020). The effects of tricaine mesylate on arthropods: Crayfish, crab and Drosophila. Invertebrate Neuroscience. 20, Article number: 10 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10158-020-00243-5
163. O'Neil, A.S., Kim, C. and Cooper, R.L. (2020). Learning and Memory Retention in Larval Drosophila. Journal of Entomology 17 (2): 36-47. https://scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=je.2020.36.47&org=11
164. Ballinger-Boone, C., Anyagaligbo, O., Bernard, J., Bierbower, S.M., Dupont-Versteegden, E.E., Ghoweri, A., Greenhalgh, A., Harrison, D., Istas, O., McNabb, M., Saelinger, C., Stanback, A., Stanback, M., Thibault,O., and Cooper, R.L. (2020) The effects of bacterial endotoxin (LPS) on cardiac and synaptic function in various animal models: Larval Drosophila, crayfish, crab, and rodent. International Journal of Zoological Research. 16: 33-62 (review) DOI: 10.3923/ijzr.2020.33.62 , https://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=ijzr.2020.33.62
165. de Castro, N.S. and Cooper, R.L. (2020). Useful techniques for measures with Drosophila: larval movements, heart rate, and imaging. Methods and Protocols 2020, 3(1), 12; https://doi.org/10.3390/mps3010012 https://www.mdpi.com/2409-9279/3/1/12.
166. Holsinger, R.C. and Cooper, R.L. (2020) Regional phenotypic differences of the opener muscle in Procambarus clarkii: sarcomere length, fiber diameter, and force development. Biology 2020, 9(6), 118 https://www.mdpi.com/2079-7737/9/6/118. (made the cover of the issue https://www.mdpi.com/2079-7737/9/6 ; https://res.mdpi.com/data/covers/biology/big_cover-biology-v9-i6.png )
167. McCubbin, S., Jeoung, A., Waterbury, C., and Cooper, R.L. (2020) Pharmacological profiling of stretch activated channels in proprioceptive neuron. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 233 (2020) 108765. 5 year impact factor 4.52 2021 Journal Citation Report https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S153204562030065X
168. Istas, O., Greenhalgh, A. and Cooper, R.L. (2020) Repetitive exposure to bacterial endotoxin LPS alters synaptic transmission. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 15: 65-72. DOI: 10.3923/jpt.2020.65.72
169. Bernard, J., Marguerite, N., Inks, M. and Cooper, R.L. (2020) Opposing responses of bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and TRPA1 thermal receptors on synaptic transmission and resting membrane potential. Current Research in Bacteriology 13(1): 10-21. DOI: 10.3923/crb.2020.10.21 http://docsdrive.com/pdfs/ansinet/crb/2020/10-21.pdf
170. Stanley C, Krall RM, Zeidler-Watters K, Johnson D, Blackwell RR, Cooper RL. (2020). STEM & health: stressors on the circulatory system. Article 82 In: McMahon K, editor. Advances in biology laboratory education. Volume 41. Publication of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). https://doi.org/10.37590/able.v41.art82
171. O’Neil A, Krall RM, Sanden M, Cooper RL. (2020) developing algebraic and geometric understanding of stereology in biological contexts. Article 77 In: McMahon K, editor. Advances in biology laboratory education. Volume 41. Publication of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). https://doi.org/10.37590/able.v41.art77
172. Cooper RL, Krall RM, Schultz MP, O’Neil AS, Dupont-Versteegden EE. (2020). Educational modules of skeletal muscle anatomy and function with models and active data gathering related to muscular dystrophy. Article 64 In: McMahon K, editor. Advances in biology laboratory education. Volume 41. Publication of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). https://doi.org/10.37590/able.v41.art64
173. Bernard, J., Greenhalgh, A., Istas, O., Marguerite, N.T. and Cooper, R.L. (2020) The effect of bacterial endotoxin LPS on serotonergic modulation of glutamatergic synaptic transmission. Biology 2020. 9, 210. https://www.mdpi.com/2079-7737/9/8/210/htm
174. Greenhalgh, A., Istas, O., Cooper, R.L. (2021). Bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide enhances synaptic transmission at low-output glutamatergic synapses. Neuroscience Research 170: 59-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neures.2020.08.008 Impact Factor: 2.645
175. Stanley, C. and Cooper, R.L. (2021). The effect of pH on synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction in Drosophila melanogaster. Current Research in Neuroscience 11: 1-17. [PDF] doi:10.3923/crn.2021.1.17 https://scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=crn.2021.1.17&org=10
176. Marguerite, N.T., Bernard, J., Harrison, D., Harris, D. and Cooper, R.L. (2021). The effect temperature on heart rate for the medicinal blow fly (Phaenicia sericata) and Drosophila melanogaster with altered expression of TRPA1 receptors. INSECTS 12(1):38. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects12010038. Impact factor 2.22
177. Nethery, B., Abou El-Ezz, M., Brown, C., Calderaro, T., Evans, C., Grant, T., Hazelett, R., High, C., Buendia Castillo, D., Ilagan, T., Klier, J., Marguerite, N., Marino, F., McCubbin, S., Meredith, N., Naidugari, P., Russell, W., Sommers, N., and Cooper, R.L. (2021) The effects of Riluzole on sensory and motor nerve function. IMPULSE https://impulse.appstate.edu/articles/2021/effects-riluzole-sensory-and-motor-nerve-function [PDF]. This was a Bio446 class project for Fall 2020.
178. McCubbin, S., Abou El-Ezz, M., Brown, C., Calderaro, T., Evans, C., Grant, T., Hazelett, R., High, C., Buendia Castillo, D., Ilagan, T., Klier, J., Marguerite, N., Marino, F., Meredith, N., Naidugari, P., Nethery, B., Russell, W., Sommers, N., and Cooper, R.L. (2021) The effects of Levetiracetam on glutamatergic synaptic transmission. IMPULSE https://impulse.appstate.edu/articles/2021/effects-levetiracetam-glutamatergic-synaptic-transmission [PDF] This was a Bio446 class project for Fall 2020.
179. Pankau, C., McCubbin, S., Cooper, R.L. (2021) The effect of optogenetically activating glia on neuronal function. Neuroglia 2(1), 57-67. https://www.mdpi.com/2571-6980/2/1/7/htm
180. Marguerite, N.T., McCubbin, S., and Cooper, R.L. (2021) Mechanosensitive receptors in regulating heart rate in larval Drosophila. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 16: 37-46. https://docsdrive.com/pdfs/academicjournals/jpt/2021/37-46.pdf
181. Tanner, H., Atkins, D.E., Bosh, K.L., Breakfield, G.W., Daniels, S.E, Devore, M.J., Fite, H.E., Guo, L., Henry, D., Kaffenberger, A., Manning, K.S., Mowery, T., Pankau, C.L., Serrano, M.E., Shakhashiro, Y., Tanner, H., Ward R.A., Wehry, A.H. and Cooper, R.L. (2022) The effect of TEA and 4-AP on primary sensory neurons in Crustacean models. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 17: 14-27 [PDF] or https://scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=jpt.2022.14.27&org=10
182. Atkins, D.E., Bosh, K.L., Breakfield, G.W., Daniels, S.E, Devore, M.J., Fite, H.E., Guo, L., Henry, D., Kaffenberger, A., Manning, K.S., Mowery, T., Pankau, C.L., Parker, N., Serrano, M.E., Shakhashiro, Y., Tanner, H., Ward R.A., Wehry, A.H., and Cooper, R.L. (2021) The effect of calcium ions on mechanosensation and neuronal activity in proprioceptive neurons. NeuroSci 2021, 2: 353-371. 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.5 (2023) https://doi.org/10.3390/neurosci2040026 https://www.mdpi.com/2673-4087/2/4/26/htm
183. Potter, R., Meade, A., Potter, S. and Cooper, R.L. (2021) Rapid and direct action of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) on skeletal muscle of larval Drosophila. Biology 2021, 10(12), 1235; https://doi.org/10.3390/biology10121235 . Current Impact Factor: 5.079
184. Pankau, C., Nadolski, J., Tanner, H., Cryer, C., Di Girolamo, J., Haddad, C., Lanning, M., Miller, M., Neely, D., Wilson, R. Whittinghill, B. and Cooper, R.L. (2022) Effects of manganese on physiological processes in Drosophila, crab and crayfish: Cardiac, neural and behavioral assays. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C. vol. 251, 2022, 109209. ISSN 1532-0456, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2021.109209. (5 year impact factor 4.52 2021 Journal Citation Reports) [PDF]
185. McCubbin, S., Harrison, D. and Cooper, R.L. (2022) Glia excitation in the CNS modulates intact behaviors and sensory-CNS-motor circuitry. Neuroglia 2022, 3, 23-40. https://doi.org/10.3390/neuroglia3010002
186. Pankau, C. and Cooper, R.L. (2022) Molecular physiology of manganese in insects. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 100886, ISSN 2214-5745. doi.org/10.1016/j.cois.2022.100886 [PDF]
187. Naidugari, J., Abou El-Ezz, M., Brown, C., Calderaro, T., Evans, C., Grant, T., Hazelett, R., High, C., Buendia Castillo, D., Ilagan, T., Klier, J., Marguerite, N., Marino, F., McCubbin, S., Meredith, N., Nethery, B., Russell, W., Sommers, N., Dupont-Versteegden, E.E., Krall, R., Sharp, K., Chalfant, J., Brown, M., Danley, M. and Cooper, R.L. (2022) Temperature dependence on the passive effects of K+ on membrane potential of skeletal muscle as an educational module. Article 67. In: Advances in Biology Laboratory Education. Volume 42. Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). [PDF]. This was a Bio446 class project for Fall 2020.
188. Aguayo-Williams, T., Subramaniam, V., Harrison, D., Cooper, R.L. and Criswell, B. (2022) Bridging optogenetics, metabolism, and animal behavior for student-driven inquiry at high school and college levels. Article 52. In: Advances in Biology Laboratory Education. Volume 42. Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). [PDF] [poster] [movie]
189. Chalfant, J., Cooper, R.L., Aguayo-Williams, T., Holtzclaw, L., Loveless, M., Wilson, J. and Harrison, D. (2022) . Revisiting Mendel: Use of a behavioral assay to examine inheritance of traits in Drosophila. Article 56. In: Advances in Biology Laboratory Education. Volume 42. Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). [PDF] [poster]
190. Slabach, B.L., and Cooper, R.L. (2022) . An active learning approach to teach aspects of human dietary health using the classic Drosophila model. Article. In: Advances in Biology Laboratory Education. Volume 42. Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Workshop presentation are 1-hour in length. https://www.ableweb.org/conferences/viable-2021-presentations/ (Acknowleged helpers: Aguayo-Williams, T., Byrd, L.S., Ho, A., Ho, J., Wilson, J., Rama, S., Veeraragavan, G., Middleton, D., Armstrong, K., Cole, C., Danyi, S., Johnson, K., Dixit, S., Subheeswar, M., Sifuma, R., Maxwell, H., Rotkis, E., Saelinger, C., Stanback, M., Overly, B., Stevens,K., Bender, A., Terry, L., Bowers, L., Newcomer, A., Butcher, B., Vance, A., Klein, A., McGraw, E., Cooper R.M., Noble, T., Ott, S., Robertson, R., Sweatt, C., Dixon, J., and Biragane, J.) [PDF] Link to workshop content [ppt]
191. Istas, O., Richard, E.E., Bernard, J., Krall, R., Aguayo, T., Cooper, R.L. (2022) Forensics for the body farm: Preferences for the medicinal blow fly (Phaenicia sericata) and fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). Article 61. In: Advances in Biology Laboratory Education. Volume 42. Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). [PDF] [poster]
192. Bernard, J., Danley, M., Krall, R., Sharp, K., Cooper, R.L. (2022). Authentic curriculum undergraduate research experimentation to learn about the effects of septicemia on cardiac function: frog and larval Drosophila models. Article 53. In: Advances in Biology Laboratory Education. Volume 42. Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). [PDF] [poster]
193. Sharp, K.A., Krall, R.M., Cooper, R.L., Danley, M., Barnard, J. (2022). What do animal physiology students learn from a cure investigating the effects of septicemia on cardiac function: frog and larval Drosophila models. Article 69. Volume 42. In: Advances in Biology Laboratory Education. Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). [PDF] [poster]
194. Sharp, K.A., Cooper, R.L., and Carter, D. (2022). Semester-long Projects. Article 50; Volume 42. In: Advances in Biology Laboratory Education. Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). [PDF]
195. Cooper, R.L., Thomas, M., Vascassenno, R.M., Brock, K.E., McLetchie, D.N. (2022) Measuring electrical responses during acute exposure of compounds to roots and rhizoids of plants using a flow-through system. Methods and Protocols. 5(4): 62. https://www.mdpi.com/2409-9279/5/4/62/htm
196. Cooper, R.L., Thomas, M., McLetchie, D.N. (2022) Impedance measures for detecting electrical responses during acute injury and exposure of compounds to roots of plants. Methods and Protocols. 5(4):56. https://doi.org/10.3390/mps5040056
197. Thomas, M., Cooper, R.L. (2022) Building Bridges: Mycelium Mediated Plant Electrophysiological Communication. Plant Signaling and Behavior 17:1 The impact score (IS) 2021 is 2.53) https://doi.org/10.1080/15592324.2022.2129291 [PDF]
198. Cooper, R.L. and Krall, R.M. (2022) Hyperpolarization induced by LPS, but not by chloroform, is inhibited by Doxapram, an inhibitor of two-P-domain K+ channel (K2P). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23(24), 15787; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms232415787. [PDF] The impact score (IS) 2021 per Web of Science is 6.01.
199. Ison, B.J., Abul-Khoudoud, M.O., Ahmed, S., Alhamdani, A.W., Ashley, C., Bidros, P.C., Bledsoe, C.O., Bolton, K.E., Capili, J.G., Henning, J.N., Moon, M., Phe, P., Stonecipher, S.B., Tanner, H.N., Taylor, I.N., Turner, L.T., Wagers, L. M., West, A.K and Cooper, R.L. (2022). The effect of Doxapram, a K2p channel blocker, on proprioceptive neurons: Invertebrate model. NeuroSci 2022, 3, 566-588. 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.5 (2023) https://doi.org/10.3390/neurosci3040041
200. Vacassenno, R.M., Haddad, C.N. and Cooper, R.L., (2023) The effects on resting membrane potential and synaptic transmission by Doxapram (blocker of K2P channels) at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 263 (2023): 109497 ISSN: 1532-0456 (5 year impact factor 4.52 2021 Journal Citation Reports) [PDF] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1532045622002320#ab0015
201. Vacassenno, R.M., Haddad, C.N. and Cooper, R.L., (2023) Bacterial lipopolysaccharide hyperpolarizes the membrane potential and is antagonized by the K2p channel blocker doxapram. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C. 226 April 2023, 109571. (5 year impact factor 4.52, 2021 Journal Citation Reports). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2023.109571 [PDF].
202. Wagers, M., Starks, A., Abul-Khoudoud, M.O., Ahmed, S.M., Alhamdani, A.W., Ashley, C., Bidros, P.C., Bledsoe, C.O., Bolton, K.E., Capili, J.G., Henning, J.N., Ison, B.J., Moon, M., Phe, P., Stonecipher, S.B., Taylor, I.N., Turner, L.T., West, A.K and Cooper, R.L. (2023). An invertebrate model to examine the effect of acute ferric iron exposure on proprioceptive neurons. (Bio 446/650 class project). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 266: 109558 , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2023.109558 (Bio 446/650 class project). (5 year impact factor 4.52 2021 Journal Citation Reports) [PDF]
203. Brock, K.E., Elliott, E.R., Abul-Khoudoud, M.O. and Cooper, R.L. (2023) The effects of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial endotoxins on cardiac function in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. Journal of Insect Physiology, 147:104518. Impact factor 2.6 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinsphys.2023.104518 [PDF]
204. Hensley, N., Elliott, E.R., Abul-Khoudoud, M.O. and Cooper, R.L. (2023) Effect of 2-Aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB) on heart rate and relation with suppressed calcium activated potassium channels: Larval Drosophila model. Applied Biosciences. 2023, 2, 236-250. https://doi.org/10.3390/applbiosci2020017
205. O'Neil, A.S., Krall, R.M., Vascassenno, R. and Cooper, R.L. (2023) Exploring Mechanisms in a Medical Treatment for a Disease: A Teaching/Learning Module. Advances in Biology Laboratory Education. Publication of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Vol 43, Article 35, 2023. [PDF]
206. Elliott, E.R., Taul, A.C., Abul-Khoudoud, M.O., Hensley, N. and Cooper, R.L. (2023) Effect of doxapram (a K2p channel blocker), bacterial endotoxin and pH on heart rate: Larval Drosophila model. Applied Biosciences 2023, 2(3), 406-420; https://doi.org/10.3390/applbiosci2030026
207. Elliott, E.R., Nadolski, J.B., McIntosh, R.D., Datta, M.S., Crawford, D.M., Hirtle, J.T., Leach, A.B., Roemer, K.A., Sotingeanu, L.C., Taul, A.C., Vessels, B.D., Speed, S.L., Bradley, A.L., Farmer, C.G., Altenburg, S., Bierbower, S.M. and Cooper, R.L. (2023) Investigation regarding the physiological effects of zinc on Drosophila and crawfish cardiac, neural, synaptic, and behavioral processes Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology.18: 166-189. (Bio 199, class publication). [PDF].
208. Brock, K.E, and Cooper, R.L. (2023) The effects of doxapram blocking the response of Gram-negative bacterial toxin (LPS) at glutamatergic synapses. BIOLOGY 2023, 12(8), 1046. https://www.mdpi.com/2079-7737/12/8/1046 Current Impact factor: 5.168.
209. Diggles BK, Arlinghaus R, Browman HI, Cooke SJ, Cooper RL, Cowx IG, Derby CD, Derbyshire SW, Hart PJB, Jones B, Kasumyan AO, Key B*, Pepperell JG, Rogers C, Rose JD, Schwab A, Skiftesvik AB, Stevens D, Shields JD, Watson C (2023) (PDF). Reasons to be skeptical about sentience and pain in fishes and aquatic invertebrates. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture. Impact Factor 11.5 (2022). DOI:
210. Brock, K.E., Elliott, E.R., Taul, A.C., Asadipooya, A., Bocook, D., Burnette, T., Chauhan, I.V., Chhadh, B., Crane, R., Glover, A., Griffith, J., Hudson, J.A., Kashif, H., Nwadialo, S.O., Neely, D.M., Nukic, A., Patel, D.R., Ruschman, G.L., Sales, J.C., Yarbrough, T., and Cooper, R.L. (2023). The effects of lithium on proprioceptive sensory function and nerve conduction NeuroSci. 4: 280-295 (Bio446/650 class project). https://www.mdpi.com/2673-4087/4/4/23
211. Elliott, E.R., Brock, K.E., Taul, A.C., Asadipooya, A., Bocook, D., Burnette, T., Chauhan, I.V., Chhadh, B., Crane, R., Glover, A., Griffith, J., Hudson, J.A., Kashif, H., Nwadialo, S.O., Neely, D.M., Nukic, A., Patel, D., Ruschman, G.L., Sales, J.C., Yarbrough, T., and Cooper, R.L. (2023) The effects of zinc on proprioceptive sensory function and nerve conduction. NeuroSci 4(4), 305-318; (Bio446/650 class project) https://www.mdpi.com/2673-4087/4/4/25
212. Wagers, M., Starks, A., Nadolski, J., Bierbower, S.M., Altenburg, S., Schryer, B. and Cooper, R.L. (2024) Examining the effect of iron (ferric) on physiological processes: Invertebrate models. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology- Part C. 278 (2024) 109856. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2024.109856 Impact factor: 3.9 [PDF]
213. Smith, L.A., Nadolski, J., Jacobs, G., Ogle, J.M., Srinivasan, M.P., Tanner, H.N., Steele, E., Marguerite, N.T., Bierbower, S., Steen, S., Easterling, I., Greenhalgh, A., Pankau, C., McCubbin, S., Behymer, B. and Cooper, R.L (2024) Examining the reproducibility in analysis of social interactions related to aggression in crayfish. International Journal of Zoology. Vol. 2024, ID 8031535, https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijz/2024/8031535/ https://doi.org/10.1155/2024/8031535 [PDF] Wiley press.
214. Elliott, E.R., Brock, K.E., Vacassenno, R.M., Harrison, D.A., Cooper, R.L. (2024) The effects of doxapram and its potential interactions with K2P channels in experimental model preparations. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 2024 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00359-024-01705-6 (Impact factor of 2.2).
215. Elliott, E.R. and Cooper, R.L. (2024) The effect of calcium ions on resting membrane potential. BIOLOGY, 2024, 13, 750. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology13090750 Current Impact factor: 5.168.
216. McCubbin, S., Meade, A., Harrison, D. and Cooper, R.L. (2024) Acute lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cell membrane hyperpolarization is independent of voltage gated and calcium activated potassium channels. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C. 2024,110004, ISSN 1532-0456, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2024.110004. Impact factor: 3.9
217. McCubbin, S., Abul-Khoudoud, M.O., and Cooper, R.L. (2025) The direct effects of various bacterial toxins (LPS & LTA) on membrane potential and glutamatergic transmission in a Drosophila model. (In Review).
218. Elliott, E.R. and Cooper, R.L. (2025) Fluoxetine antagonizes the acute response of LPS: Blocks K2P channels. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology- Part C Vol 287,110045. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2024.110045 Impact factor: 3.9.
219. Brock, K.E., Gard, J.E., Elliott, E.R., Taul, A.C., Nadolski, J., Kim, J., McCubbin, S., Thuy, A., Ronen, R., Bierbower, S.M., Alcorn, J.P., Dharanipragada, N., Hall, T.F., Hamlet, A.B., Iqbal, Z., Johnson, S.R., Joshi, J.K., McComis, S.J., Neeley, R.E., Racheneur, A.W., Satish, D., Simpson, T.R., Walp, J.L., Murray C., Wright, J. and Cooper, R.L. (2025) Investigation regarding the physiological effects of sodium selenite on physiological functions in Drosophila, crayfish, and crab: behavior, cardiac, neural, and synaptic properties. (Bio446 class project). Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 20:1-20 [PDF] https://scialert.net/fulltext/fulltextpdf.php?pdf=academicjournals/jpt/2025/1-20.pdf
220. Gard, J.E., Brock, K.E., Elliott, E.R., Taul, A.C., Nadolski, J., Kim, J., McCubbin, S., Thuy, A., Ronen, R., Bierbower, S.M., Alcorn, J.P., Dharanipragada, N., Hall, T.F., Hamlet, A.B., Iqbal, Z., Johnson, S.R., Joshi, J.K., McComis, S.J., Neeley, R.E., Racheneur, A.W., Satish, D., Simpson, T.R., Walp, J.L., Murray C., Wright, J. and Cooper, R.L. (2025) Investigation regarding the physiological effects of cobalt on physiological functions in Drosophila, crayfish and crab: behavior, cardiac, neural, and synaptic properties. (Bio446 class project). Investigation regarding the physiological effects of cobalt on physiological functions in Drosophila, crayfish and crab:Behavioral, cardiac, neural, and synaptic properties. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 2025, 110165, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2025.110165. (Impact factor: 3.9).
221. Schwamburger, J; Brock, K; Cooper, R (2024). The effect of GV-58, a calcium channel modifier, on synaptic transmission at the larval Drosophila and crayfish neuromuscular junctions. microPublication Biology. microPublication Biology. 10.17912/micropub.biology.001402 [PDF]PMC ID: PMC11704950
222. Bidros, J; Brock, K; Gard, J; Cooper, R (2024). The effect of magnesium concentration on myogenic cardiac function: Larval Drosophila. microPublication Biology. https://micropublication.org/journals/biology/micropub-biology-001400 [PDF] PMC ID: PMC11699522.
223. Hadjisavva, M.E. and Cooper, R.L. (2025) The biphasic effect of lipopolysaccharide on membrane potential. Membranes 2025, 15, 74. PMID: 40137026, https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0375/15/3/74. Impact factor 2024-2025 is 4.562
224. Taul, A.C., Elliott, E.R., and Cooper, R.L. (2025) The effects of over expressing K2p channels in various tissues on physiology and behaviors (In Revision).
225. Kim, Y., Kim, J., Spedding, V. and Cooper, R.L. (2025) The impact of pharmacological and immunological interactions on light-activated ion channels and pumps. microPublication Biology. 10.17912/micropub.biology.001463.
226. Kim, J., Nadolski, J. and Cooper, R.L. (2025) The effects of temperature on the habituation of tail flip escape response and neural circuitry of crayfish species. (In review).
Jacobs, G., Nadolski, J., Shenoy, K., Srinivasan, M.P., et al., and Cooper, R.L. (2025) Social interactions of intraspecies pairs of Australian crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) and interspecies pairs of Louisiana red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii): Invasive species alert. (In manuscript).
Jacobs, G., et al., Slane Steen, Maggie Barnes, Sarah Foster, Lacey Gordon, Sheridan Oldham, Nyla Parker, Jawad Saleem, Elizabeth Steele, Oscar Istas, Jacobs, G., Shenoy, K., Srinivasan, M.P., Nadolski, J. and Robin Cooper (2025) Characterization of behavior and survival of the Australian crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) to cold. (In Manuscript).
Brock, K.E., Vascassenno, R.M., Thomas, M., McLetchie, D.N., Cooper, R.L. (2025) Examining desensitization of electrical responses induced by glutamate exposure to roots. (In revision).
Katanbaf, A.M., Brock, K.E., Elliott, E.R., Hensley, N., Haddad, C.N., Abul-Khoudoud, M.O., and Cooper, R.L. (2025) A review on acute non-genomic responses to bacterial components on membrane potential, synaptic transmission, intestinal contractions as well as neuronal and cardiac function. (In manuscript). *All authors contributed equally to this review.
Piedade, W.P., Majeed, Z.R., Blümich, S.L.E., Brailoiu, E. and Cooper, R.L. (2025) Alterations in synaptic transmission by acute changes in pH: Extracellular and cytoplasmic. (In Manuscript).
Malloy, C., Sifers, J., Mikos, A., Somasundaram, E., Omar, A., and Cooper, R.L. (2025) Assessing optogenetics in glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) containing skeletal and cardiac muscle. (In Manuscript).
Titlow, J.S., Biecker, S. and Cooper, R.L. (2025). Mechanosensory habituation in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. (In Manuscript).
1. Atwood H.L., Cooper R.L., Wojtowicz J.M. (1994) Non uniformity and plasticity of quantal release at crustacean motor nerve terminals. In: Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neurotransmitter Release. (Stjärne L, Greengard P, Grillner SE, Hökfelt TGM, and Ottoson DR, eds), pp 363 382. New York: Raven Press.
2. From the International Symposium, Frontiers in Crustacean Neurobiology, Conference in Hamburg - Blankenese, (Germany. July 8-11, 1999) Dr. Konrad Wiese (Univ. of Hamburg, Conference Organizer).
Cooper, R.L., Southard, R.C., He, P., and Whiteheart, S.W. (2002) Influence of neuromodulators and vesicle docking related proteins on quantal release. In, The Crustacean Nervous System. Konrad Wiese (Ed.) Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. Pp. 63-82.
3. Titlow J.S., Cooper R.L. (2018) Glutamatergic Synthesis, Recycling, and Receptor Pharmacology at Drosophila and Crustacean Neuromuscular Junctions. In: Parrot S., Denoroy L. (eds) Biochemical Approaches for Glutamatergic Neurotransmission. Neuromethods, vol 130. Humana Press, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7228-9_9 [PDF]
4. Kaitlyn E. Brock and Robin L. Cooper (2024) The Lobster: A Model for Teaching Neurophysiological Concepts. Azalea Art Press. Sonoma, California, USA. Available through Lulu.com as an E-book and Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble. ISBN: 978-1-943471-84-3 https://www.lulu.com/shop/robin-l-cooper-and-kaitlyn-e-brock/the-lobster-a-model-for-teaching-neurophysiological-concepts/paperback/product-zm8gyq2.html?q=The+Lobster&page=1&pageSize=4 For print book and Ebook orders please visit: www.Lulu.com