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The Pre-Professional Track in the biology major broadly explores organismal structure and function in the context of preparing students for health-related professional programs. The courses in this track give the students a broad view of both normal and abnormal organismal function, with courses specializing in neuroscience, physiology, microbiology, and molecular biology. Independent research in this track will be an opportunity for students to work with science professionals within their desired field. Through completion of this track, students can fulfill pre-requisite and recommended courses for most pre-professional health programs. Students who excel in this track can go on to enroll in a variety of professional programs, including medical, dental, optometry, veterinary, and physician’s assistant programs. A biology degree with a pre-professional health emphasis also prepares students for careers as research scientists, lab technicians, microbiologists, genetic counselors, biology teachers, and many other general biology careers.


For both the Biology B.S. and the Biology B.A. (with Topical Focus)


  • 12 of the upper-level elective hours must be completed from the courses listed below (for the B.S. this represents 12 out of a total 15 upper-level elective hours; for the B.A. this represents 12 out of a total 13-15 upper-level elective hours, depending on the topical focus courses)
  • A maximum of 3 credit hours of BIO 394/395/397 will count towards these 12 hours
  • The remaining upper-level elective hours can be completed with any approved upper-level biology elective course (including BIO 394/395/397) - see full list
  • A maximum of 6 credit hours of BIO 394/395/397 will count towards a biology degree
  • At least 9 credit hours of upper-level electives must have a BIO prefix


For full course descriptions, please continue to the course bulletin: B.A. / B.S.
Click here for track course prerequisites and which semesters they are offered

BIO 302: Introduction to Neuroscience (3)

BIO 305: Introduction to Neuroscience Techniques (4)

BIO 308: General Microbiology (3)

BIO 309: Microbiology Lab (2)

BIO 394/395/397: Research in Neuroscience/Biology/Microbiology (max 3 credit hours toward track) (1-3)

BIO 405: Human Genetics (3)

BIO 410: Vertebrate Endocrinology (3)

BIO 440: Comparative and Functional Anatomy (4)

BIO 445: Biology of Sex (3)

BIO 446: Neurophysiology Laboratory (3)

BIO 494G: Immunobiology (3)

BIO 495G: Bacterial Pathogenesis (3)

BIO 502: Principles of Systems, Cellular and Molecular Physiology (5)

BIO 507: Biology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms (3)

BIO 510: Recombinant DNA Techniques Laboratory (4)

BIO 520: Bioinformatics (3)

BIO 527: Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering, and Regenerative Medicine (3)

BIO 429: Developmental Biology (3)

BIO 535: Comparative Neurobiology and Behavior (3)

BIO 550: Advanced Physiology (3)

BIO 582: Virology (3)

BIO 542: Histology (5)

BIO 350: Animal Physiology* (4)

BIO 380: Special Topics in Biology (Intermediate Level) (Subtitle required). Subtitle must be approved by Director of Undergraduate Studies (1-4)



Courses from outside the Biology Department:

ANA 410G: Neurobiology of Brain and Spinal Cord Disorders (3)

ANA 442: Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (3)

BCH 401G: Fundamentals of Biochemistry (3)

CHE 550: Biological Chemistry I (3)

CHE 552: Biological Chemistry II (3)

MI 598: Clinical Microbiology (same as PAT 598) (3)

PGY 560: Pathophysiology: Integrative Study in Physiology and Medicine (1)

PSY 459: Neuropharmacology: Drugs and Behavior (3)

PGY 512: Evolutionary Medicine (3)

PGY 431: Introduction to Neuroendocrinology (3)

Other courses can be accepted by the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Biology on a case by case basis.

*Only for students who do not use the course to fulfill the 2nd Tier Core


*For questions regarding the Pre-Professional Track, please email