For both the Biology B.S. and the Biology B.A. (with Topical Focus)
- 12 of the upper-level elective hours must be completed from the courses listed below (for the B.S. this represents 12 out of a total 15 upper-level elective hours; for the B.A. this represents 12 out of a total 13-15 upper-level elective hours, depending on the topical focus courses)
- A maximum of 3 credit hours of BIO 394/395/397 will count towards these 12 hours
- The remaining upper-level elective hours can be completed with any approved upper-level biology elective course (including BIO 394/395/397) - see full list
- A maximum of 6 credit hours of BIO 394/395/397 will count towards a biology degree
- At least 9 credit hours of upper-level electives must have a BIO prefix
For full course descriptions, please continue to the course bulletin: B.A. / B.S.
Click here for track course prerequisites and which semesters they are offered
BIO 302: Introduction to Neuroscience (3)
BIO 305: Introduction to Neuroscience Techniques (4)
BIO 308: General Microbiology (3)
BIO 309: Microbiology Lab (2)
BIO 394/395/397: Research in Neuroscience/Biology/Microbiology (max 3 credit hours toward track) (1-3)
BIO 405: Human Genetics (3)
BIO 410: Vertebrate Endocrinology (3)
BIO 440: Comparative and Functional Anatomy (4)
BIO 445: Biology of Sex (3)
BIO 446: Neurophysiology Laboratory (3)
BIO 494G: Immunobiology (3)
BIO 495G: Bacterial Pathogenesis (3)
BIO 502: Principles of Systems, Cellular and Molecular Physiology (5)
BIO 507: Biology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms (3)
BIO 510: Recombinant DNA Techniques Laboratory (4)
BIO 520: Bioinformatics (3)
BIO 527: Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering, and Regenerative Medicine (3)
BIO 429: Developmental Biology (3)
BIO 535: Comparative Neurobiology and Behavior (3)
BIO 550: Advanced Physiology (3)
BIO 582: Virology (3)
BIO 542: Histology (5)
BIO 350: Animal Physiology* (4)
BIO 380: Special Topics in Biology (Intermediate Level) (Subtitle required). Subtitle must be approved by Director of Undergraduate Studies (1-4)
Courses from outside the Biology Department:
ANA 410G: Neurobiology of Brain and Spinal Cord Disorders (3)
ANA 442: Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (3)
BCH 401G: Fundamentals of Biochemistry (3)
CHE 550: Biological Chemistry I (3)
CHE 552: Biological Chemistry II (3)
MI 598: Clinical Microbiology (same as PAT 598) (3)
PGY 560: Pathophysiology: Integrative Study in Physiology and Medicine (1)
PSY 459: Neuropharmacology: Drugs and Behavior (3)
PGY 512: Evolutionary Medicine (3)
PGY 431: Introduction to Neuroendocrinology (3)
Other courses can be accepted by the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Biology on a case by case basis.
*Only for students who do not use the course to fulfill the 2nd Tier Core