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About Biology / Explore Biology

Explore Biology

Undergraduate Degree in Biology

With over 1100 biology majors, the Department of Biology is home to the largest undergraduate major on campus. Biology’s updated curriculum provides 21st century instruction that focuses lower division students’ training in bioinformatics, evolutionary thought, and systems approaches to biology. Upper division courses incorporate a broad foundation of core courses with opportunities for specialization within many biological subfields. Read more about the Biology Undergraduate Program

4-year plan for an undergraduate degree in Biology



At UK, a premium is placed on giving students research experience. The Department of Biology offers a wide range of opportunities in lab and field research (Mentored Research in BiologyUndergraduate Research at UK). The department boasts a unique urban field station called the Ecological Research Facility and state of the art facilities such as the Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center, the Biology Imaging Center and a variety of Genomic and Molecular Resources.



Students can also minor in the following areas at the Department of Biology


Study Abroad

Students can learn through hands on experiences while travelling as part of the Education Abroad program.


What can I do with a Biology degree?

While the majority of biology majors go on to pursue a graduate education, the biology curriculum prepares students for a wide array of careers including scientific research, medicine, allied health, forest law enforcement, pharmaceutical sales and much more. Read more about the possibilities for Careers in Biology.


Additional Information 

UK Core

AP/IB/Dual Credit 
(Note: To be successful in the Biology Program, we recommend that students take the Introductory Biology courses regardless of AP or IB credit. You may request to take a bypass exam to skip the Introductory courses if you have a high score in these tests). 

Transfer Equivalencies

Prospective students can meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies on September 22, October 27, December 4, January 24, February 28, March 27, April 24 at 3pm EST:

Click here for more information about the Biology Department